Just a few LO's from- my DT pack from Anna's Craft this month. I had a day of scrapping today, ready to clean and pack tomorrow as we are off to Perth on Monday to fly out to NZ on Tues for a wedding. It's so 'Murphy's Law' here at the moment - everything is happening at once! Normally as a SAHM I have time to scrap or at least fit it in around stuff. But this week I've worked the whole week which I don't normally do that many days in a row, then have stayed up til midnight each night making wedding invitations for a friend who needed them by yesterday. So the house looked a shambles and I *had* to scrap today.
But my darling husband came home yesterday and cleaned the whole house for me so I came to expecting to start cleaning and it was SO SO nice to come home to a clean house. Couldn't believe he had it in him!!LOL. Feeling very lucky at the moment - think he noticed I was getting a bit overwhelmed.
Anyhoo - enough rabbiting on - here's the LO's using Echo Park "Be Mine", Oct Arvo "Campfire" and Cosmo "Material Girl". I did my "step by step" too which I really love but can't share it yet. Will do some more Lo's when I get back from NZ.
Be good!!