Look at this - another post already - but I had a fabulous day scrapping-wise. I got 3 acceptance for consideration emails from SM so pretty happy about that. In fact, that LO I posted yesterday got accepted which is fab because I love it!! As you can imagine, Bradley really understands my excitement - NOT!!
AND..........I finished my FK elite team entry - now it's only my first time at entering one of those big comps (apart from the SC colour comp) so I'm not really expecting much but it'll just be good to see.
And talking of the SC colour comp - I thought I'd share my entry(green and black) - dodgy pic as I only took it so I remembered what the LO looked like in case it was lost in the mail -not really for posting on the internet!! For some reason I can't put the pics down here - they end up up the top - still got to figure that bit out. But I did read Sheree's blog yesterday and she was saying the same thing - so you never know - it MAY NOT BE MY FAULT - god forbid it should be.
Oh, and I did my sample for Bon's Scraps CC - and not even Bon knows that yet!!
Anyway - that's been my day - Bradley has gone to Association Training (for country week footy) so he won't be here to whinge about Prison Break (Prison Break *sigh*) - funny thing though - he wants me to tape it!! See - he really does like it - nur nur.
So just been packing up LO's and writing out materials lists all afternoon - can't believe it takes so long.
Fran xx