Ok - I have no idea what is happening with blogger or if this post will even work but thought I'd try. It's all arse-about on my screen and it said my photos were uploaded but they haven't shown up here so I'll just post and see what happens!!
In case it doesn't work, I'm not going to write heaps - but will fill you in later on the retreat which was fabulous!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Look - pictures!!
After probably being sick of all typing and no pics to look at I can now upload pics!! YAY
But always look on the bright side - now you know all that trivia about me!LOL
Well - on the newsy side - Bon had her baby girl, Lacey!! So happy for her, Matt, Kyle and Dylan.
And I'm off to the Scrapboxx retreat on ThursdaY!! Woohoo - well, the retreat doesn't start til Friday but I'm staying with a friend on thurs night and I'm just as excited about that as I haven't seen her since the last retreat! AND she's shaving her head for the leukemia on Friday, which I now dont' get to see but that's ok as I can see photos afterwards and still get to talk to the Nik I know, with hair, on Thurs.
Will be not so great leacing the kiddies, but great to have some fun at the retreat - and especially to catch up with Sheree!! ooh - and I get to meet Mel Nunn too who's work I have admired for a long time.
Oh ok - I know - stop waffling - here's some Lo's. On this one I used a quote I saw on Heidi Swapp's blog which was "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing". Love that

Oh and wouldn't you know it - only one pic will upload - so sorry!!
But always look on the bright side - now you know all that trivia about me!LOL
Well - on the newsy side - Bon had her baby girl, Lacey!! So happy for her, Matt, Kyle and Dylan.
And I'm off to the Scrapboxx retreat on ThursdaY!! Woohoo - well, the retreat doesn't start til Friday but I'm staying with a friend on thurs night and I'm just as excited about that as I haven't seen her since the last retreat! AND she's shaving her head for the leukemia on Friday, which I now dont' get to see but that's ok as I can see photos afterwards and still get to talk to the Nik I know, with hair, on Thurs.
Will be not so great leacing the kiddies, but great to have some fun at the retreat - and especially to catch up with Sheree!! ooh - and I get to meet Mel Nunn too who's work I have admired for a long time.
Oh ok - I know - stop waffling - here's some Lo's. On this one I used a quote I saw on Heidi Swapp's blog which was "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing". Love that
Oh and wouldn't you know it - only one pic will upload - so sorry!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
2 posts in one DAY!
Fancy that - I just wanted to wake anyone up, that was reading these posts - as if I put them all in the same post you would've fallen asleep so it was just a little intermission there!!LOL
Oh - and if you're wondering why I'm blogging without pics it's because blogger apparently is having one of those days - I don't know what I did, but it refuses to talk about it so therefore I don't need it's stupid pics anyway!
Ok - tag from Kathryn - just got to go find it first..........
oh - and look - it won't even let me do the 'nice' links - so here's a link to Kathryn's blog http://www.kathryngalloway.blogspot.com/.
Heres the rules
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Seven random facts -excellent - more thinking about how strange I am...........
1. I can quote more lines from The Young Ones than I'd ever care to admit. I will NOT quote them here as they have to be said outloud - much like the Joh Bjekle quote from the last blog post............it's just not the same
2. Ok - Im reading Kathryn's entries here while I'm typing and it's giving me ideas. I see two of my school friends maybe once a year - and sometimes not for 3 or 4 years but when we get together it's like nothing has changed, and it's perfectly easy and natural - and I LOVE it!! Seeing them next week - woohoo. I think thats a really special thing to have.
3. Oh - and I didn't even get that "Young Ones" from your ideas, Kathryn - how funnu is that?? And yes - I too can recite most stuff from Gone with the Wind, Grease, Breakfast Club and St Elmos Fire - oh, and Ferris Bueller - and most likely many more as thats what 5 years of all girls Catholic boarding school will do to you...........as well as get you expelled at the end of the year - but then they let you come back to do your exams - go figure??LOL (AND stay at the boarding school while you do them!)
4. ok - while we're on that note - I think my school year made a new record for the amount of students expelled on their last day - I think pretty much my whole boarding school year group was expelled that day for drinking. whoops..........fun while it lasted!
5. 3 more?? crikey - thinking......I think I've read nearly all of Agatha Christie' books - I love how it's never really scary when anyone dies, more like "oh, would you look at that?? Now I'll have to sit somewhere else and have my cup of tea........".
6. I also love James Patterson and Patricia Cornwell books but I had to stop reading them when I had tiny babies as I hated getting up and sitting on the couch in the dark at night thinking of the books!!LOL. Oh - and I haven't read a Patricia Cornwell book for a while as I thought if one more person hacks into the computer and comes after the medical examiner personally, then I'm going to get bored!LOL
7. My fave food as a kid used to be potato fritters - grated potato, with egg and lemon pepper and curry, fried - sounds gross and all but omg - YUMMO. They'd probably still be my fave food if I didn't want to live past 35, but I thought it would be nice to see the kids grow a bit older and all.......
oh - now how many ppl do I have to tag??..........
7, ok -
1. Sandie http://creatingimages07.blogspot.com/
2. Kylie (kylie27) http://kylie-kyliesplace.blogspot.com/
3. PJ http://pj-petesplace.blogspot.com/
4. Nic http://naspinall.blogspot.com/
5. Kerryn http://kerrynlawson.blogspot.com/
6. Kylie Bailey http://krb87.wordpress.com/
7. Kate M http://kate-thehappyscrapper.blogspot.com
aaannnndd I'm out.....thanks for listening.....
Oh - and if you're wondering why I'm blogging without pics it's because blogger apparently is having one of those days - I don't know what I did, but it refuses to talk about it so therefore I don't need it's stupid pics anyway!
Ok - tag from Kathryn - just got to go find it first..........
oh - and look - it won't even let me do the 'nice' links - so here's a link to Kathryn's blog http://www.kathryngalloway.blogspot.com/.
Heres the rules
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
Seven random facts -excellent - more thinking about how strange I am...........
1. I can quote more lines from The Young Ones than I'd ever care to admit. I will NOT quote them here as they have to be said outloud - much like the Joh Bjekle quote from the last blog post............it's just not the same
2. Ok - Im reading Kathryn's entries here while I'm typing and it's giving me ideas. I see two of my school friends maybe once a year - and sometimes not for 3 or 4 years but when we get together it's like nothing has changed, and it's perfectly easy and natural - and I LOVE it!! Seeing them next week - woohoo. I think thats a really special thing to have.
3. Oh - and I didn't even get that "Young Ones" from your ideas, Kathryn - how funnu is that?? And yes - I too can recite most stuff from Gone with the Wind, Grease, Breakfast Club and St Elmos Fire - oh, and Ferris Bueller - and most likely many more as thats what 5 years of all girls Catholic boarding school will do to you...........as well as get you expelled at the end of the year - but then they let you come back to do your exams - go figure??LOL (AND stay at the boarding school while you do them!)
4. ok - while we're on that note - I think my school year made a new record for the amount of students expelled on their last day - I think pretty much my whole boarding school year group was expelled that day for drinking. whoops..........fun while it lasted!
5. 3 more?? crikey - thinking......I think I've read nearly all of Agatha Christie' books - I love how it's never really scary when anyone dies, more like "oh, would you look at that?? Now I'll have to sit somewhere else and have my cup of tea........".
6. I also love James Patterson and Patricia Cornwell books but I had to stop reading them when I had tiny babies as I hated getting up and sitting on the couch in the dark at night thinking of the books!!LOL. Oh - and I haven't read a Patricia Cornwell book for a while as I thought if one more person hacks into the computer and comes after the medical examiner personally, then I'm going to get bored!LOL
7. My fave food as a kid used to be potato fritters - grated potato, with egg and lemon pepper and curry, fried - sounds gross and all but omg - YUMMO. They'd probably still be my fave food if I didn't want to live past 35, but I thought it would be nice to see the kids grow a bit older and all.......
oh - now how many ppl do I have to tag??..........
7, ok -
1. Sandie http://creatingimages07.blogspot.com/
2. Kylie (kylie27) http://kylie-kyliesplace.blogspot.com/
3. PJ http://pj-petesplace.blogspot.com/
4. Nic http://naspinall.blogspot.com/
5. Kerryn http://kerrynlawson.blogspot.com/
6. Kylie Bailey http://krb87.wordpress.com/
7. Kate M http://kate-thehappyscrapper.blogspot.com
aaannnndd I'm out.....thanks for listening.....
Catching up........
on the things I've left off for the last few blog attempts!!
Ok - firstly - to finish off the first tag and then get onto the 2nd tag from Kathryn
I thought on the first one I only left off 5 odd things about me or whatever it was (only 5??LOL) and then I realised that I'd left off one of the "things I'm bad at" or whatever that one was (do you think it could be "remembering stuff??"LOL) and I thought "wow - will someone think that is some kind of Fruedian slip where I could only think of two things wrong with me" - because that soo isn't the case. It was more like when I go out somewhere to eat (which doesn't happen often) and there's sooo many things on the menu that I think I'd rather not choose than have to use my brain and choose between them. Thats why I left that list unfinished.......at least thats why I think I did - I don't really remember!LOL
Ok - so back on track -
THE EXTRA THING I'M BAD AT (or bad habit - isn;t it??)
Eating breakfast! My number one thing I just can't bring myself to do - even if it's really yummy and I didn't have to make it - it will make me sick - like bacon and eggs - or hotcakes from McD's - I WILL regret eating them,but I forget everytime and do it to myself anyway.
I just get the fact of being hungry the minute you get out of bed. A cup of coffee will do me to lunchtime - and YES - SHHH - I know, it's bad for me - you don't have to point that out.
5 things ppl don't know about me (HA - I remembered - well actually , I cheated and looked back on the other post!)
1. I actually quite like the smell of StazOn ink (what, is that a problem??)
2. Bradley's and my dream would be to work on a ranch in the States. Watch this space - one day it just MIGHT happen!
3.Ummm I think I've been to 18 countries, by a quick count - oh, and Cocos Islands which is technically part of WA but it still costs more to fly there than to all the other countries combined!!LOL. Seriously - the absolute cheapest flight which is $1326 and this is for a child!!
4.Crap, I'm only up to 4?? Man - think think think - oh, I know - I actually LIKED (no - LOVED) the sequel book to Gone with the Wind ("Scarlett") despite numerous ppl telling me it was crap - but I'm pretty sure most of them were talking about the movie. See, in the book - you can still imagine Vivean LEigh as Scarlett, which you just don't have the privilege of doing in the movie!
5. Last one - ummmm - we've been married for 10 years this year and haven't planned a thing - but we WILL do something - don't you worry about that (you have to say that in a Joh Bjekle Peterson voice).
Ok - firstly - to finish off the first tag and then get onto the 2nd tag from Kathryn
I thought on the first one I only left off 5 odd things about me or whatever it was (only 5??LOL) and then I realised that I'd left off one of the "things I'm bad at" or whatever that one was (do you think it could be "remembering stuff??"LOL) and I thought "wow - will someone think that is some kind of Fruedian slip where I could only think of two things wrong with me" - because that soo isn't the case. It was more like when I go out somewhere to eat (which doesn't happen often) and there's sooo many things on the menu that I think I'd rather not choose than have to use my brain and choose between them. Thats why I left that list unfinished.......at least thats why I think I did - I don't really remember!LOL
Ok - so back on track -
THE EXTRA THING I'M BAD AT (or bad habit - isn;t it??)
Eating breakfast! My number one thing I just can't bring myself to do - even if it's really yummy and I didn't have to make it - it will make me sick - like bacon and eggs - or hotcakes from McD's - I WILL regret eating them,but I forget everytime and do it to myself anyway.
I just get the fact of being hungry the minute you get out of bed. A cup of coffee will do me to lunchtime - and YES - SHHH - I know, it's bad for me - you don't have to point that out.
5 things ppl don't know about me (HA - I remembered - well actually , I cheated and looked back on the other post!)
1. I actually quite like the smell of StazOn ink (what, is that a problem??)
2. Bradley's and my dream would be to work on a ranch in the States. Watch this space - one day it just MIGHT happen!
3.Ummm I think I've been to 18 countries, by a quick count - oh, and Cocos Islands which is technically part of WA but it still costs more to fly there than to all the other countries combined!!LOL. Seriously - the absolute cheapest flight which is $1326 and this is for a child!!
4.Crap, I'm only up to 4?? Man - think think think - oh, I know - I actually LIKED (no - LOVED) the sequel book to Gone with the Wind ("Scarlett") despite numerous ppl telling me it was crap - but I'm pretty sure most of them were talking about the movie. See, in the book - you can still imagine Vivean LEigh as Scarlett, which you just don't have the privilege of doing in the movie!
5. Last one - ummmm - we've been married for 10 years this year and haven't planned a thing - but we WILL do something - don't you worry about that (you have to say that in a Joh Bjekle Peterson voice).
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