Last week I got my DT parcel from
Anna's Craft Cupboard and oh my golly goodness - I got some of the new October Afternoon, Cosmo Cricket and Basic Grey June Bug - and in ALL THREE ranges there are polka dots!!
I've done 2 LO's with it all so far - with more mulling around in my head as I just LOVE the papers so much!
All products on these are available at Anna's - I'm especially loving those
Kaisercraft "Dated" stamps that come with Upper and Lowercase alphas and "date" type stamps like the circle, for just $15.99.

Oh - and the new 3 Bugs in a Rug papers in store are absolutely DIVINE!! I'm using a LOT of self control to not shop again. (but who am I trying to kid??LOL)
It's nearly the end of the holidays and they have been full-on. We spent last week in Perth going to the movies, the circus, watching footy and catching up with plenty of cousins which was great.
And I.HAVE.A.NEW.COUCH!!! Omg - if you knew how feral my old one was you would know what BIG news that is!LOL. We were given that couch 2nd hand by my sister 11 years ago so this is the first couch we've ever bought!! It's from Ikea and it look SO GOOD!!
(Oh, and Bradley braved Ikea by himself to get the whole thing - a corner sofa and a 2-seater - and shall we just say that if ANYONE mentions going to Ikea again that our lovely new couch may just end up shoved somewhere uncomfortable!LOL)
More good news too - our footy boys won the Country Week Grand Final!! YAY - go North Midlands!! (and I'm sure there weren't any sore heads the next morning...............probably feel a bit sorry for the OBH (Ocean Beach Hotel - for non-country WA ppl!)staff for having to put up with them!)
And on a kind of scary note - we have had a diagnosed case of swine flu in our school - thought we might be safe out here but NO! Hopefully it doesn't go any further - it just a wee bit scary.........
Anyway, gotta run - thanks for reading this far!!