This, however, is NOT my take on the sketch......thats down the bottom of the post - LOL.
This is a banner (hope I haven't uploaded this before) that I made using those Collections chipboard clipboards - I LOVE them so made this banner and clipped photos underneath taken throughout the year - and then I will change them every year.
HERE'S the sketch! Another great one from Becky Fleck PageMaps.

And don't these photos look familiar?LOL. Well, not to you as the photo is probably too small but these are the photos I took off my banner now that I've taken it down so figured I'd scrap them very simply using the new Pink Paislee Sweet Cakes paper from Anna's. Love this yellow as a background paper.
So grab some photos and enter that sketch challenge - awesome prize of a $35 voucher including free postage.
Oh - and I've already scrapped heaps of my Cocos photos so will share that in a bit too. I did one page as a project that FK (Creative Papercraft - still can't get used to the new name!LOL) asked me to do and I love it but now I can't share it.:(.lol
Oh - and YAY - apparently I won an Award for Excellence in FK's comp! Don't know which LO it's for but figure the mag will make it's way out here to the outback soon enough! Congrats to friends that also got awards - Jolene Pienaar, Tatum Woodroffe and Christine Rumley! Sorry if I missed someone but I don't actually know who got all the awards yet.
And of course - huge congrats to Mel Nunn who made the Elite team.
Rambled long enough? I think so......................